This feature is not implemented in this demonstration version of Audioshop‚Ñ¢. Call Opcode Systems, Inc on (415) 856-3333 for the location of your nearest reseller.
Movies can only be used when QuickTime‚Ñ¢ is installed. Place the QuickTime‚Ñ¢ extension into your System or Extensions Folder, then reboot.
The track has been compressed. Before you can use the track you must expand it using the original compression application.
The alias could not be opened because the original item could not be found.
Audioshop‚Ñ¢ requires more memory before it can operate. Increase the memory partition to at least 650K.
Audioshop's internal resources have been tampered with, or are corrupt. Replace with a fresh copy off your master disk.
The selected portion of the track is too small to "^3". Try reducing the appropriate delay in "FX Options..."
"^3" could not be completed, as the maximum number of tracks will be exceeded. Try operation with fewer tracks.
The track you are trying to edit is larger than available memory. Close open playlists or edit windows to make room, then try again.
Unable to initialise AppleEvents‚Ñ¢, probably due to lack of memory. OK will quit.
You cannot have multiple edit windows with the same name. Rename the track then you can edit it.
You cannot save a playlist with unsaved tracks. First save the tracks then try again.
You cannot Cut tracks that are being edited. Close their edit windows, and try again.
A maximum of 32 windows can be opened at any one time. Please close any unnecessarily opened windows, and try again.
A resource could not be found. Please update your copy of Audioshop‚Ñ¢.
No CD-ROM drives could be found. Make sure that at least one CD-ROM drive is connected and its Driver is in the Extensions or System Folder, and then reboot.
Maximum number of tracks has been reached in this demonstration version of Audioshop‚Ñ¢. Call Opcode Systems, Inc on (415) 856-3333 for the location of your nearest reseller.
Unable to load the playlist as it uses an old format. Please re-create the playlist using the latest version of Audioshop‚Ñ¢.
There is not enough memory to save the playlist. Close open playlists or edit windows, and try again.
There is not enough memory to load the playlist. Close open playlists or edit windows, and try again.
Unable to load playlist due to corrupt header information.
Unable to complete Huffman decompression due to file inconsistencies.
Internal error which shouldn't occur. If I were you, I would quit.
Audioshop‚Ñ¢ requires System 6.07 or greater to play and record sound. Please update your System Software.
Unable to generate new facia. OK will quit.
Unable to generate colour facia due to the lack of memory. Defaulting to Black & White.
Inconsistencies were found in the Audio IFF file.
Audioshop‚Ñ¢ only supports tracks with one or two channels, and with 8bit or 16bit samples. Convert the track using its original application program.
Internal data structure is corrupted. Please SAVE your playlist and QUIT immediately.